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Barbara Price Scholarship

Named after the academically passionate wife, mother, and grandmother, the Barbara Price Scholarship provides financial awards of $1,500 to high-achieving high school seniors (or equivalent) planning to enter their first semester of post-secondary education in the following Fall.

Are You...

  • A high-school senior;


  • A US citizen, permanent resident or DACA;


  • Planning on attending a US college/university for the first time in Fall 2025;


  • A scholar with a significant academic achievement (e.g. unweighted GPA of 3.75 or more);


Then Apply!

Application Open:​

Application Close:

Winners Announced: 

December 1st

March 1st

May 1st

01 - Personal Information

Provide your latest personal information at the beginning of the application. If there are any changes after applying, please notify us by email with the subject line: [Full Name] "Personal Information Update".

02 - Academic Achievement

We request a PDF of your latest transcript including the last completed semester grades. This document should show all courses taken, the time they were taken, the grade received, and an overall GPA for all semesters.. Additionally, we may ask for other information including: AP/IB courses taken, GPA weighting type, Extracurriculars, etc.

03 - Creative Statement

We ask all of our applicants to write an original creative statement for our panel's review. This statement should be no more than 500 words and should be submitted as a single-page PDF document.


Please select from one of the prompts below for your creative statement:​

  1. How do you see the role of artificial intelligence in education over the next decade? What potential benefits and challenges could it bring?

  2. Design a new course for middle schoolers that should be taught nationwide. What would it be, and why?

  3. Define what a responsible global citizen is to you. What skills or knowledge are essential to be one?

04 - Brief Advocacy Statement

In life, you will be your first advocate. In the application, let us know what being a Barbara Price Scholar would mean for you. 


For example: Why should we select you? What would you hope to use this grant for? What makes you the best applicant?

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